Everyday Wildness
3:30 PM15:30

Everyday Wildness

Whether it is a place, a nonhuman animal or plant, or a state of mind, wild indicates autonomy and agency, a will to be, a unique expression of life. Wildness: Relations of People and Place, a new collection of essays published by the University of Chicago Press in 2017, explores how people can—through active participation and humble restraint—become attuned to the wild community of life and contribute to the well being of the places in which they live, work, and play. Join the co-editor of Wildness, Gavin Van Horn, on a walk beside the North Shore Channel in Evanston. The group will begin at the Evanston Ecology Center and take a short walk, pausing at a few spots along the way to hear selections from Wildness and reflect on human and nonhuman entanglement in an urban context. The event is free, but admission priority will be given to those who have preregistered. This event is part of the Evanston Literary Festival (www.evanstonlit.org), happening Apr. 29-May 11.

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Multispecies Community
4:00 PM16:00

Multispecies Community

We usually think of cities as the domain of humans—but we are just one of thousands of species that call the urban landscape home. The recently published City Creatures: Animal Encounters in the Chicago Wilderness introduces readers to an astonishing diversity of urban wildlife with a unique and accessible mix of essays, poetry, paintings, and photographs.

Join DePaul ecology professor Liam Heneghan, visual artist Colleen Plumb, and Gavin Van Horn, co-editor of City Creatures, for a discussion about human-animal relationships in the city, and how art and writing can invite us into the lives of other creatures, from our backyards to the bioregion.  

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Revitalizing Our Ravines
10:00 AM10:00

Revitalizing Our Ravines

I will be the opening speaker for the "Revitalizing Our Ravines" workshop. 

  • Hear from experts how you can help revitalize your ravines
  • Connect with others who care about ravines
  • Shape the future for ravines in your community
  • See examples of homeowner ravine landscaping and restoration
  • Meet local landscape and ravine restoration service providers
  • Enjoy complimentary snacks, refreshments and evening cocktail hour
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City Creatures: Exploring the Urban Wilderness through Word and Image
4:00 PM16:00

City Creatures: Exploring the Urban Wilderness through Word and Image

We usually think of cities as the domain of humans—but we are just one of thousands of species that call the urban landscape home. The recently published City Creatures: Animal Encounters in the Chicago Wilderness introduces readers to an astonishing diversity of urban wildlife with a unique and accessible mix of essays, poetry, paintings, and photographs.

Join poet Brenda Cárdenas, environmental historian Curt Meine, art editor Lisa Roberts, and Gavin Van Horn, co-editor of City Creatures, for a discussion about  human-animal relationships in the city, and how art and writing can invite us into the lives of other creatures, from our backyards to the bioregion.  

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City Creatures talk
4:30 PM16:30

City Creatures talk

  • Evanston North Shore Bird Club (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We usually think of cities as the domain of humans—but we are just one of thousands of species that call the urban landscape home. The recently published City Creatures: Animal Encounters in the Chicago Wilderness introduces readers to an astonishing diversity of urban wildlife with a unique and accessible mix of essays, poetry, paintings, and photographs. Gavin Van Horn, the co-editor of City Creatures and the director of Cultures of Conservation for the Center for Humans and Nature, will present an illustrated talk on how urban wildlife can further connect us to place and the importance of re-storying Chicagoland, from our backyards to the bioregion. 

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Of Bogs & Books at Volo Bog State Natural Area
7:00 AM07:00

Of Bogs & Books at Volo Bog State Natural Area

This monthly gathering of adults (age 16 & older, generally…) shares discussions of nature, science & environmental readings over morning coffee & snacks. Over 200 titles have been discussed since establishment in 1994!

December 12 - City Creatures: Animal Encounters in the Chicago Wilderness by Gavin VanHorn, featuring a visit from the author!

To register, contact us at dnr.volobog@illinois.gov or 815-344-1294; or just drop in!

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